Woo Nami

Cheating Product Knowledge

In the expansive world of Woo (and WordPress!), where I support around 70+ plugins and products, mastering each one of them can feel a daunting task. (You think I’m lying? Check out “Developed by Woo” section on this page.)

I will give you the spoilers now. — It’s not about actually knowing everything about the product. It’s about knowing how to navigate.

While I may not possess a superpower for instantaneous plugin mastery, I’ve gathered some valuable tips along the way.

These are my tips to navigate this ever-evolving WordPress world.

1. Discovering Your Learning Style

Do you ever wonder the most efficient way for you to learn something?

I certainly have a lot of respect for people who can seemingly obtain skills without much effort. But there is no such thing! It’s just about how you connect the world in the way it makes sense to you.

Discovering your learning style is the first step. Whether you resonate more with visual learning or prefer memorizing based on details like street names, acknowledging your preference will set the foundation for effective learning.

I quickly learned that I learn by doing things. So I like to explore the product and have at least some foundational knowledge.

It’s one thing to know about the product, but it’s another thing to apply the knowledge in the most creative way.

2. Connecting the Dots

Once you’ve identified your learning style, start making connections with the product.

These products are… of course, human-made! It’s someone’s thought process and their philosophy. Thins may not make sense at first. (That’s why we have such a thing as UX/UI design!)

Think of this process as discovering a map – connecting these dots. This personalized approach ensures that the information is not just memorized but deeply understood.

3. Coming up with Your Own Route

If there is anything that I am good at doing, that’s getting lost everywhere I go.

At this point in life, I should admit that’s just who I am, and I am not interested in hustling to not get lost. You hear me?

Just like reaching any destination, there are multiple ways to “mastering” a product. It’s okay you feel lost. (Or that’s what I tell myself anyways.)

Find the route that aligns with your learning style. Some may prefer a visual approach, while others might thrive on detailed information. Experiment and choose the route that resonates with you.

4. Spend Time with the Product

Mastering a product requires time and dedication. (NO SHIT.)

Mastering anything takes time and effort.

Invest the necessary time to explore and understand the intricacies.

Treat your learning journey like navigating a map – each moment spent contributes to creating a mental map of the product.

5. Navigating Your Map

As you spend time with the product, familiarize yourself with the routes to essential information.

It does not mean you know every aspects of the product. It means you know how to find the information you need.

It’s the same as googling. You just have to know those keywords to access information you need.

This is a stage where you start gaining a bird’s eye view of the product. Knowing how to navigate your map is the key to unlocking a deeper understanding.

6. Think Outside of Box: the Bird’s Eye View

Once you’ve mastered the routes and intricacies, you’ll attain a bird’s eye view of the product.

This elevated perspective allows you to see the bigger picture, empowering you with comprehensive product knowledge.

Once you are here, you know how to think outside of box. You no longer have to get tripped on micro dynamic of the products. Rather, you have macro dynamic of the products.


Product knowledge is not about knowing everything.

It’s about learning the landscape, navigating routes, and knowing how to get from A to B.

Things will get easier once you start recognizing your learning style, discover familiarities, and spend some time with the product.